Bible Exposition
This website aims to help encourage deeper understanding of scripture. Very simply this site aims to prove that the best way to do that is verse by verse!
You will not find me asking for money ANYWHERE; no donations, no begging! If you want to help, SHARE this site with your friends!.
There are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn buttons, good old-fashioned Citations and even word-of-mouth works!
Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 14:30:58 GMT - Is a day the Lord has made!
The key features of this site are:
Explorium A series of tools to help people of all levels to 'search
the scriptures' to see what they contain.
- Essays upon the The Bible and the study of it.
- Word Studies
- Manners&Customs of Bible Times
- Essays upon the book of Isaiah
- Essays upon the book of Daniel
- Essays upon the book of Mark
- Essays upon the Epistles.
- Essays upon the book of Revelation
- Essays upon Mission and Missionaries.
- Essays upon Homiletics (Preaching)
- Various topic based essays.
- Assorted other essays on biblical passages
- Free Scripture Memory Verse program
- Children's Stories - Mystery stories for grades 3-10, starring an almost 'Holmes' like tortoise
- Documents upon the ECL & The Clarion language
- Note - it is now possible to get audio recordings of some of my messages at
Recently added essays:
- New ECL Macro written to generate ECL case
- New essay written upon writing a
Bible Search program using ECL for
the HPCC and an
inversion and
publishing to Roxie
- A number of
Children's Stories have been added starring Dr Pheidippides; the
Sherlock Holmes of tortoises!
Other News
- Site has had a makeover; hope you enjoy!
- The Bible Explorium is now open for
Contained within these pages are a series
of documents that I have written over the past few years for one reason or
another. Hopefully they convey the passion I have for some of the topics
covered. Inevitably they also contain a fair portion of my infamous sense of
humor. Apologies in advance.
The views I express are mine and
potentially mine only, I trust that even if you disagree with them they will
prove stimulating.
If you have found this site useful then please
encourage others to visit and link to it.
If you don't think it is, then please send
me your comments at
or leave them on the forum.
Contact Me
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